Witness the Revolutionary Technology

Made of a clear, flexible material, orthodontic aligners are comfortable, virtually invisible and removable, making them a popular choice for adults and teens.

veristic aligners bring to you

Revolutionary Transparent Aligners

Clear aligners are an alternative to traditional braces and are designed to help guide teeth into their proper position. Similar to braces, clear aligners use a gradual force to control tooth movement, but without metal wires or brackets.

Veristic aligners are made of a biocompatible plastic material and are fabricated to fit each individual’s mouth. If a series of aligners are needed, each aligner moves the teeth in increments until the desired movement is achieved.

Why Use Veristic Aligners Over Braces?

Unlike Braces, Veristic Aligners gives you the Freedom to express and smile to the fullest without having to compromise on your confidence.
Clearly Visible
Fixed to teeths
Painfull and time consuming
Difficult to maintain Oral Hygiene
Frequent Visits to Doctors
Dietary Restrictions
Unreliable Results
Completely Invisible
Easily removable
Painless & Convenient
Helps Improve Oral Hygiene
Lesser Visits to Doctors
No Food Restrictions
Effective in maximum cases

Cases in which Veristic Aligners helps

Veristic Aligners delivers guaranteed results in common teeth alignment cases. However, for severe cases a combination of clear aligners and traditional braces can prove to be more effective.


These spaces can form anywhere in the mouth, but are sometimes noticeable between the two upper front teeth. This condition affects both adults and children.


A crossbite is a dental condition that affects the way your teeth are aligned. The main sign of having a crossbite is that upper teeth fit behind your lower teeth when your mouth is closed or at rest.

Deep Bite

Deep bites are often caused by a lower jaw that is shorter than the top jaw, causing a serious overlap. When the top and bottom teeth don’t come together correctly, the bottom teeth can shift out of place.


Crowding is the lack of space for all the teeth to fit normally within the jaws. The teeth may be twisted or displaced. Crowding occurs when there is disharmony in the tooth to jaw size relationship.


Teeth can become rotated either before they emerge or after. Probably the most common cause of teeth that emerge rotated is trauma to the mouth during the development of your teeth.


Overjet is a misalignment condition when the upper teeth extends outward and sit over the bottom teeth. Some overjets cases are barely noticeable while others can be severe causing jaw pain.

Veristic Advantages

Since 2017, Veristic Aligners have transformed lives of many by helping them smile confidently.

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